New York Street/IMAXtree

It’s time to take fashion not so seriously, rather have some fun with it. Manga comic strip characters have been showing up everywhere on the streets of the fashion capitals, on boots, bags, pins, and, of course, outerwear jackets and coats. It’s an easy way to make a young, carefree fun fashion statement

1. New York Street/IMAXtree 2. Paris Street/IMAXtree

Venture out with lightening bolts and big googly eyes on brightly coloured handbags…surely to grab some attention

3. Karl Lagerfield/London Retail 4. Karl Lagerfield/London Retail

Explosive word bubbles shouting “Karl” on shoes and bags were featured prominently in Karl Lagerfeld’s very own store in London

5. Paris Street/IMAXtree

Express yourself via your backpack featuring emojis of the moment

6. Milan Street/IMAXtree 7. London Street/IMAXtree

Supersized graphics on jackets and coats seen in New York

5. Milan Street/IMAXtree 6. London Street/IMAXtree

The”Kapow” bag adds an unexpected whimsical touch to an otherwise classic outfit….cartoon image pins of Karl and Anna have the same effect